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SlingshotGetting started


Quick start guide for installing and using Slingshot.

Install Slingshot

npm install @saas-js/slingshot @saas-js/slingshot-react

Configure Slingshot server

Create a Slingshot server handler, this will be used create presigned URLs for a specific upload profile, eg avatar.

export const slingshot = createSlingshotServer({
  profile: 'avatar',
  maxSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 5, // 5MB
  allowedFileTypes: 'image/*',
  key: ({ file }) => {
    return `avatars/${}`

Create a file upload component

Add the FileUpload component to your page.

This example is unstyled, you can style it yourself or use one of our UI library integrations.

import { FileUpload } from '@saas-js/slingshot-react'
export function Page() {
  return (
    <FileUpload.Root profile="avatar" accept="image/*" maxFiles={1}>
        {(api) => {
          const files = api.slingshot.getFiles()
          return (
                <FileUpload.Label>Drag your file(s) here</FileUpload.Label>
                <FileUpload.Trigger>Choose file(s)</FileUpload.Trigger>
                { => {
                  return (
                    <FileUpload.Item key={} file={}>
                      <FileUpload.ItemPreview type="image/*">
                        <FileUpload.ItemPreviewImage />
                      <FileUpload.ItemName />
                      <FileUpload.ItemSizeText />

              <FileUpload.HiddenInput />

Mount handlers

To handle the upload requests, you need to mount the handlers.

Create a new route in your framework that will handle the upload requests. The route path should start with /api/slingshot/ and include the profile name, eg /api/slingshot/avatar.

The Slingshot server runs on Hono and supports any framework that supports standard Request and Response objects.

import { slingshot } from '@/lib/slingshot/avatar'
import { handle } from '@saas-js/slingshot/next'
export const GET = handle(slingshot)
export const POST = handle(slingshot)


Lastly we need to configure an adapter to connect to your storage provider.

Open the slingshot profile (lib/slingshot/avatar.ts) and add an adapter.

npm install @saas-js/slingshot-adapter-s3
import { s3 } from '@saas-js/slingshot-adapter-s3'
export const slingshot = createSlingshotServer({
  profile: 'avatar',
  maxSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 5, // 5MB
  allowedFileTypes: 'image/*',
  key: ({ file }) => {
    return `avatars/${}`
  adapter: s3({
    credentials: {
      accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
      secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
    region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
    bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,


Now you're ready to upload files! Continue to the Basic usage section to learn more.

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